Bridging the gap between science research & clinical medicine

Designated Emphasis
About Designated Emphasis
The Designate Emphasis (DE) is an interdisciplinary graduate program of study to enhance student training in the field through a focused coursework across at least two departments. The program is optional and the courses used for the DE may not be counted toward M.S. or Ph.D. requirements.
All requirements for the DE must be satisfied no later than one calendar year from the quarter in which candidate advances to candidacy in their Ph.D. field; a minimum GPA of 3.0 is required for the designated emphasis completion.
Inflammation and Infectious Disease Designated Emphasis
Three (3) courses (12-14 units) with a focus in the basic principles of immunology and infectious disease will be selected from:
- MCBL 124 Pathogenic Microbiology
- BMSC 236 Foundations of Medicine II * (If taking BMSC 236 (10 units) only two courses are required for completion.)
- MCBL 202 Microbial Pathogenesis
- MCBL 221 Microbial Genetics
- BMSC 223E Inflammation, Autoimmunity an Pathogen Defense
If taking BMSC 236 (10 units) only two courses are required for completion. Students must select courses with relevant content as approved by the Designated Emphasis Advisory Committee comprising of three participating faculty including the student’s major professor. Students must select courses from at least two different departments. Undergraduate course taken to fulfill the requirement must be accompanied by a 292 course taken in the same quarter with extra work agreed upon by the professor and student.
BMSC 222 (2 units): Special Topics in Biomedical Sciences with emphasis in infectious diseases. The course will address the research pertaining to the student’s interest and prepare trainees in applying the knowledge of basic principles of immunology to the pathophysiology of infectious disease. Graded satisfactory (S) or no credit (NC)
Research Project: students will write a review article on a selected inflammation or infectious disease topic. The review will be evaluated by the Designated Emphasis Advisory Committee. It is the committee’s expectation that student will fulfill this component by submitting the review article for the journal publication. Successful completion of this review is required for the Designated Emphasis completion.
Mechanisms of Gene Expression and Regulation Studies Designated Emphasis
Three (3) courses (12 units) with a focus in basic principles of genetics gene regulation (epigenetics, non coding RNA) and bioinformatics will be selected from:
Students must select courses with relevant content in consultation with the designated emphasis advisory committee comprising of three participating faculty including student’s major professor. Students must select courses from at least two different departments. Undergraduate course taken to fulfill the requirement must be accompanied by a 292 course taken in the same quarter with extra work agreed upon by professor and student.
- MCBL 221 Microbial Genetics
- CMDB 201 Molecular Biology
- CMDB 203 Advanced Genetics
- GEN 203 Advanced Genetic Analysis of Model Organisms
- GEN 241 Advances in Genomics
- GEN 242 Data Analysis in Genome Biology
- GEN 206 Gene Silencing
- GEN 220 Computational Analysis of High Throughput Biological Data
- BPSC/BIOL 148 Quantitative Genetics
- EEOB 214 Evolutionary Genetics
- EEOB 216 Theory of Evolution
- ENTX 204 Genome Maintenance and Stability
- STAT 100A Introduction to Statistics
- BPSC 234 Statistical Genomics
- STAT 110 Biostatistical Methods in Life Sciences
- CS 234 Computational Methods for Biomolecular Data
- CS 238 Algorithmic Techniques in Computational Biology
BMSC 222 (2 units): Special Topics in Biomedical Sciences with emphasis in gene expression and regulation. The course will address the research pertaining to the student’s interest and prepare trainees in applying the knowledge of basic principles in regulation of gene expression and bioinformatics data analysis of next generation sequencing approaches. Graded satisfactory (S) or no credit (NC)
Research Project: students will write a review article on a selected genetics/ bioinformatics/ regulation of gene expression topic. The review will be evaluated by the designated emphasis advisory committee. It is the committee’s expectation that student will fulfill this component by submitting the review article for the journal publication in a PubMed indexed journal. Successful completion of this review is required for the designated emphasis completion.
Cell, Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Designated Emphasis
Three (3) courses (12 units) with a focus in basic principles of cell, molecular and behavioral neuroscience will be selected from: NRSC 200A Fundamentals in Neuroscience, Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms, NRSC 200B Fundamentals in Neuroscience, Neural and Hormonal Systems, NRSC 200C Fundamentals in Neuroscience, Neural Control of Behavior.
- NRSC 201 Graduate Neuroscience Lab
- PSYC 203A Overview of Cognitive Science and Perception
- PSYC 203B Attention and Memory
- PSYC 207C Processes of Cognitive Development
- PSYC 208 Research Methods in Development
- PSYC 233 Research Methods in Cognitive Science
- CBMS 106 Introduction to Neuroscience
- CBNS 108 Introduction to Developmental Biology
- CBNS 116 Cellular Neuroscience: Structure- Function Relationship
- CBNS 120 Cellular Neuroscience: Membrane and synaptic Phenomena
- CBNS 121 Developmental Neuroscience
- CBNS 124 Systems Neuroscience
- CBNS 125 Neuropharmacology
- CBNS 126 Neuroscience of Learning and Memory
- CBNS 127 Behavioral Control Systems
- CBNS 129 Human Neuropsychology
- PSYC 112 Neural Mechanisms of Animal Behavior
- PSYC 117 Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory and Consciousness
Students must select courses with relevant content in consultation with the Designated Emphasis Advisory Committee comprising of three participating faculty including student’s major professor. Students must select courses from at least two different departments. Undergraduate course taken to fulfill the requirement must be accompanied by a 292 course taken in the same quarter with extra work agreed upon by professor and student.
BMSC 222 (2 units): Special Topics in Biomedical Sciences with emphasis in neurologic diseases. The course will address the research pertaining to the student’s interest and prepare trainees in applying the knowledge of basic principles in neuroscience to the pathophysiology of neurologic disease. Graded satisfactory (S) or no credit (NC)
Research Project: students will write a review article on a selected neuroscience topic. The review will be evaluated by the Designated Emphasis Advisory Committee. It is the committee’s expectation that student will fulfill this component by submitting the review article for the journal publication. Successful completion of this review is required for the Designated Emphasis completion.