Monica Carson working in lab

Our Research


Research in the Division of Biomedical Sciences

The faculty and students of the UCR School of Medicine's Division of Biomedical Sciences are working to build a broad understanding of human disease, therapeutics and design of predictive experimental model systems through an innovative and rigorous program that integrates medical curriculum with mentored research and critical analysis of research-based modeling of human pathophysiology while working to bridge the gulfs between basic science and clinical medicine.

The faculty of the Division of Biomedical Sciences are well known in their areas of research specialization, including:

  • Cancer
  • Receptor biology
  • Developmental disorders
  • Drug design
  • Chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease
  • Vaccine development
  • Parasitology
  • Physiology
  • Neurodegeneration
  • Microbiology
  • Biophysics and bioengineering

Our Centers

The Division of Biomedical Sciences hosts several unique research centers.

Research Operations

The Research Operations Unit supports the ongoing research efforts of the School of Medicine Biomedical Sciences laboratories. Research Operations oversees the school's science laboratories in three research buildings – SOM Research Building, Webber Hall, and Boyce Hall.

Sponsored Research & Programs

The Sponsored Research & Programs (SRP) unit provides principal investigators and directors with the expertise and resources necessary to streamline the proposal preparation and submission process, as well as simplify contract and grant administration for executed agreements.

Histology Core Facility

Located in Weber Hall, the Histology Core Facility contains a variety of research equipment.

Multiphoton Core Facility

Multiphoton Core Facility is home to the Nikon A1R MP Plus microscope.

Cell Sorter Core Facility

Cell Sorter Core Facility offers state-of-the-art capabilities in flow cytometry applications and isolation of specific cell populations.

NanoString nCounter Sprinter Core Facility

NanoString nCounter SPRINT Profile allows researchers to digitally examine multiple RNA, DNA pathways in a single tube in an extraction-free workflow.